Monday, July 26, 2010

Race recap - first 5K

Here at SOTS I generally ponder something for a while and then write a post. I rarely give you a day-to-day moment-to-moment account of my world. However, you get to read exactly what I experienced during my first race. The times are close, but let's be real here, it's not like I was checking my watch the whole time, so they may be off a bit.

5 AM - wake up. Feelin' nervous first race energy.

6:30 AM - alarm goes off. Get out of bed.

7:15 AM - consume massive bowl of steel cut outs.

8:15 AM - out the door.

9 AM - arrive at race.

9:01 AM - notice bouncy castle. Wonder if adults are allowed to play, too.

9:05 AM - register for race. Realize there is no chip timing or bibs despite what the website said. Boyfriend writes number 24 on my arm in provided dry erase marker.

9:10 AM - meet up with Sole Mate and wait for other Running Room Learn to Runners to arrive.

10:20 AM - check route. Locate water stations. Decide not to wear fuel belt.

10:25 AM - set Garmin for 2 x 15:1 intervals. That should put my 1 minute walk at the water station and keep me on track to finish under 30 minutes.

10:28 AM - Sole Mate and I toe the line.

10:30 AM - 5k start!!!

10:32 AM - arrive at stoplight where volunteers will ensure we can easily cross and direct us on the next leg of the race. Except... volunteers are MIA. Wait until light changes and make educated guess re: course.

10:34 AM - Sole Mate and I realize we started WAY to fast and adjust our pace.

10:36 AM - Sole Mate falls a few steps behind.

10:38 AM - Sole Mate falls further back. Suspect that ridiculously fast start killed her. Am only surviving due to genetic stubbornness (thanks, Dad!).

10:40 AM - assess situation. Am comfortable at current pace. Am running in a group of men. Can see one female running a few paces ahead of me.

10:42 AM - fairly certain the humidity has now reached 40 degrees.

10:43 AM - notice trail is very beautiful. Make note to run here again.

10:45 AM - walk break. Where's the freakin' water station? Check Garmin - am past 2.5K. What the heck?

10:47 AM - arrive at water station. They don't have water ready. Cups are empty. Bottles are in unopened 24 packs. I grab what I can and curse myself for leaving my fuel belt in the car.

10:48 AM - assure myself that even though it's 30 plus degrees outside it's okay that I don't have water because I'm more than 1/2 done.

10:49 AM - pass 2.5K sign. Check Garmin - have gone more than 3K. Curse like a sailor.

10:52 AM - pass female from earlier.

10:55 AM - fairly certain am melting. Humidity is causing breathing issues. Consider using inhaler.

10:56 AM - remember inhaler is in pocket of fuel belt... in the car.

10:57 AM - continue cursing myself for leaving fuel belt behind.

10:58 AM - begin losing a mental battle. Have no idea how long this race actually is. No clue how to pace myself. Desperately miss Sole Mate.

11:00 AM - if finish line is not around next corner I will 1) have asthma attack 2) cry or 3) scream profanities.

11:01 AM - round corner. See boyfriend taking photos. Realize finish is close. Sprint.

11:02 AM - finish!!!

11:03 AM - head directly to water tent and chug a bottle of water. Learn that route is actually 6.3K, not 5. Wonder why no one thought to mention that.

11:04 AM - cheer face off as Sole Mate crosses finish line.

11:05 AM - learn that finish times were not recorded. Whatever. Very proud of us.

11:06 AM - chug two more bottles of water while cheering on the rest of the Running Room team. Take many sweaty happy photos to commemorate the event.

11:35 AM - drive back to start point.

11:50 AM - stretch it out.

11:55 AM - winners are announced, but more importantly runners are encouraged to enjoy the bouncy castle.

11:56 AM - played in bouncy castle. Come on, what else did you think would happen?

12:00 PM - 1st race experience complete. Let's eat!

There were a few organizational bumps along the way, but all in all I’m happy with my first race experience. According to Garmin, I finished in just over 32 minutes, which means I didn’t quite make my 30 minute race goal. Given that it was sweltering out and the route was an extra 1.3K, I’m happy with 32. I was 5th overall and the first female to finish. Not too shabby.

SOTS wonders... what was your first race like?


  1. SO glad you played in the castle. And FANTASTIC run! Love how you went with the flow, because any one of those things would ruin my day. I'm a baby.


  2. Yay congrats on your first race! Seems like that the whole thing could have been better organized, but you did great! :)

  3. woo hooo congratulations on being the first female!! that's brilliant! my mind would have been on that bouncy castle for the whole race!
    i can't totally remember my first one, but i think it may have been a try-a-tri for kids when i was younger. if i consider my first 'real' race to be my first 5km that i ran with my university xc team, it was hard. i remember how i thought my lungs were going to collapse after the first 2 mins or so because everyone starts of so friggin fast! but after that i calmed down a bit, and it was find. 5km is definitely not my favourite distance (i'm more of a half marathon/full marathon girl - not a sprinter!) but no matter what the distance, the feeling of finishing is always the best!
    congrats again! :)

  4. Genetic Stubbornness, haha. I've got that too! I hate failing at anything...even though it happens all the time!
